Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bagel Ice Cream: Molecular Gastronomy Take on Ice Cream

If you think bagel ice cream is like macaron ice cream I wrote yesterday, you are dead wrong! Bagel ice cream is not bagel with ice cream as its filling. But this is BAGEL-FLAVORED ICE CREAM in a shape of bagel. Amazing right?? 

The creator of this whimsical creation is Chef Wylie Dufresne from molecular gastronomy restaurant, WD~50 in Lower East Side. FYI, Molecular gastronomy is the rising trend in culinary industry which chefs that combine both sensory and food science to transform flavors and presentations of their foods creation. To create these molecular gastronomy foods, the chefs use both science lab equipment and traditional cooking utensils.

Just like any other molecular gastronomy foods, the process of making this bagel ice cream is also rather complicated. According to an article in, first WD~50 toasted everything bagels, crushed into pieces, soaked in hot milk and strained it to get bagel-flavored milk. Then they turned that milk into ice cream. That's why the bagel ice cream has the flavor of poppy seeds, sesame seeds and union in it. To make the ice cream looks like bagel, it is put in a savarin mold and later got airbrushed to get the toasted bagel look. For the presentation, the bagel ice cream is served with smoked salmon thread and crispy cream cheese (yup.. crispy cream cheese).

I have not been there, but after doing research for this article, I am so tempted to make reservation soon and try this bagel ice cream!

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